Ket Tom-Conway
Mixed Media Paintings

Aumakua   13.5" x 13.5"    $850

This painting is about Spirit.  There is a greater spirit that guides us all.  Sometimes it takes a tangible form such as an animal, in this case the form of a wise turtle.  When we can give ourselves over to the idea that all creatures have a place and a wisdom to share, we can often find a peace and harmony that we always knew existed but weren't ready to understand.  There are many spirits to guide us and be our guardians when we believe.
Endless Possibilities    13.5" x 13.5"   SOLD

This is the Chinese expression to remind us of the vast and boundless possibilities of life. Unexpected events can lead us to often positive journeys in and of themselves.  Trust the journey we are on.
Stories To Tell   12" x 12"   SOLD

This painting is about the rich stories mature and other creatures of this earth hold in their soul and psyche.  What could the ancient sea turtle tell us?  What is the true story of creation?  Why do our spirits take so many forms?  Where will our journey bring us?  Why has man often separated himself from nature?  I'd listen to their stories, wouldn't you?
Ho' omana 'o lani (Remembering Heaven)   11" x 28"   SOLD

Reach deep into the minds eye and our true spiritual selves.  If only we could connect there and remember the beginning and the end and see its' seamless, endless cyclical nature.  Knowing that we hold the key to our happiness by acting upon our dreams, this is where we find our bliss.  It is where we can touch Heaven on Earth. 
She Came From Far Away    22" x 23"   SOLD

There are so many stories we hold within us.  Some are tragic, some are funny or warm and even at times magical.  Sometimes our stories are real and other times they are fictional but somehow become real and integrated into our spirits as time passes on.  Let us gather up all our stories, be they from far away or very near, and allow them to help us grow into the wise spirits we were meant to become.
Maori Turtles & Two Dolphins   6.75" x 15.25"   $475.00

Beauty, simplicity, vitality ...enjoy them all!

Leap of Faith (Marquesses Dolphins)   11" x 28"   $1275.00

This painting is dedicated to a swimmer friend of mine who is unable to use his legs.  As I greeted him at pool side one day he said, "Here goes ....... my leap of faith".  How amazing his spirit to not see his limitations, but to believe in his possibilities.  Let us all be inspired to take that "Leap of Faith".
For ordering information please   Ket.

All of the artwork shown in this gallery is copyrighted by Ket Tom-Conway.
All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or use without written permission.
Due to the varied monitor settings we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the color.


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